Pasture-raised Lamb, Beef, and Pork
We raise a few animals here on the farm so we can eat meat from animals that we could ensure were raised in happy, healthy environments.
Because of our small herd size, we have a rotating variety of cuts available. Your best place to find our meat is at the Concord or Warner Farmers Markets, but we also sell quarters and halves when you need to stock your freezer.
Dorset Lamb and Sheep
We raise between 20 and 30 Dorset sheep. They rotate around our pastures throughout the spring, summer, and fall, then spend their winters in the barn to lamb.
Devon Cows
Our cows are 100% grass-fed. They graze pastures around our property year-round. This is the same breed of cow you would have found on this property 150 years ago, as Devon are very suited to New England living.
We raise pigs from piglets to full grown pigs each summer. They have free range in a small pasture and woodland right behind our farmhouse. We feed them a mix of grain and our organic produce leftover from the gardens.